Monday, September 12, 2011

Monterey County Fair

So I will admit that nothing beats the State Fair in MN, but we found a good substitute in the Monterey County Fair. We took Cora on the Friday before Labor Day. It is so much more fun to go to things like that with little ones! I loved showing her all of the sights and watching for her reactions to everything. We found an ice cream stand that made the best soft serve I have ever had, I think. I was going to ask them where they are the rest of the year, but I thought maybe that was something I didn't need to know. 

We found the agriculture building with free samples of deep fried artichokes and talked to a funny old lady wearing a hat with NRA in glittery letters across the front (my dad would be proud). I should have taken more pictures but I just got some of Cora with the animals. She got to see chickens, cows, bunnies, and horses. 

first time touching a cow

what a nice cow. Gramma's favorite - Brown Swiss

this calf had just been born that day!

Cora's cow from the front

wow, chickens!

1 comment:

  1. In the Millenenium, Cora and I should have cows! I can already tell from her focused attention that she is completely fascinated by animals.
