Monday, September 26, 2011

9 Months

I know it has been a while since I posted. More about that later. For now I just wanted to get some more cutie patootie pictures on here of my 9-month-old. I can't believe it! She's getting so big.

She is completely content to not be crawling yet. She just loves to sit on her little play area (as evidenced below) and doesn't seem to be concerned that she can't go anywhere. She just rolls around if she feels like going somewhere else, but even that is not that often. 

She loves when you make stuffed animals have voices and thinks it's even funnier when they give her kisses. 

She loves to go places. If we sit at home all day long, she will be much fussier than if we get out and go for a walk or to a park or the beach (she loves the beach).

She especially likes the baby swings at the park and will just lounge and stare sleepily around while being lightly swung.

She is such a little person. I treasure every day with her.

bed head

first time with her toes in the sand


  1. I treasure every picture. The sight of Cora gives me a big smile! Always!

  2. And by the way, you write very well. A single sentence is packed with the whole idea of it. I'm there all the closer, as you described it. It helps so much. Thanks!
