Monday, September 12, 2011

Gramma Comes To The Ocean

At the end of August my momma flew (if you know my mother, you know that is pretty impressive - not her favorite thing) into San Jose to visit with us for a week. And what a wonderful week it was! 

Cora is so much more interactive now that it was very fun for me to watch them together. Cora was a little scared in the beginning, but after a day or so, she was reading books on Gramma's lap and playing with toys.

We didn't do anything wild and crazy, which made the time all that much more special, because we were able to just enjoy spending our days how Cora and I usually do. Sean had a few days off during the time she was here, and we went to the aquarium and the farmer's market and on lots of walks.

It made me more sad than ever before that we are so far apart. Not that I want to live in Minnesota, but I was just thinking how my heart hurts a little that family is not closer to see Cora grow older. But as a friend once said, it just makes the visit all that much sweeter.

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