Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8 Months

At eight months Cora is...

...sitting up well. She is unable to pull herself into a sitting position yet from lying, but she can stay sitting for quite a while and play with toys or look around at things in front of her.

...waving. Her first wave was this last week when we stood at the window and waved at Daddy as he got into the car to go to work. Since then she waved at Gramma and at one stranger (usually she gets shy in front of strangers, but one lady got her to do it). kisses. She loves to kiss her stuffed animals, especially a white bear she just met named Irene (the bear was actually a wedding gift to us from our nieces but it is a new toy for Cora). She leans in and puts her mouth on said bear but doesn't pucker yet.

...stringing together consonants and vowels with more than one syllable and different inflections to achieve much more sophisticated babble. And adding raspberries in there too.

...taking only two naps a day instead of three. She started doing that a little after 7 months.

...bracing her feet on ledges when she is sitting on a lap or in her high chair.

...standing on her own for a few moments if you lean her chest against a steady surface.

...just being the cutest baby on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Cora is my favorite baby. I will miss seeing her face light up with a smile when I peeked around the corner.
