Friday, August 19, 2011

The Latest Videos

I like to take little videos of Cora even if there are not of anything all that interesting, so I can look back when she is older and remember how she looked and acted at certain stages. Here are a few recent ones. 

Banging toys. Taken 8/4/11 at 7 1/2 months.

Giggly girl. Taken on 8/15/11.

Here is Brigita ruining my video with her incessant barking. Just needed to get that on record.

Cora loves her pink, stuffed dog. She is always smiling at it when we get it out. And she giggles when we make it give her kisses. Taken on 8/17/11.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! How precious is she!?!? I love it! What a little doll. Made me smile, and laugh. Thanks for sharing. You have a sweet little angel. <3
    ~Deb Huberty
