Friday, August 19, 2011

First Tooth

It's that time for Cora's little smile to change forever. *sniffle* I will miss the toothless smile, but there's no stopping that first little bugger from coming in (that sounds terrible - I am, in fact, happy that my child is developing normally). ;) 

We have been feeling it for about a week whenever she chews our fingers, but now you can definitely see it. She has been fussier than usual but nothing like what I was expecting. Most of the time she is still her happy, smiley self.

1 comment:

  1. Bonny, I can so relate! I praise God for healthy little children! But it is always bitter-sweet when they grow up. I LOVE the toothless grins. We are waiting any day for little Ben to cut a tooth. He has been a bit fussier, and drooly. But for now, I will savor every little grin without teeth :-)
    Cora is just as precious, teeth or not ;-)
    ~Deb Huberty
