Thursday, April 7, 2011

Minnesota Bound 2011 Part One

Last week our little family made the trek from Chicago to Minnesota for the last time. We were there for ten days, spending half the time with my family and half with Sean's.

We started out staying with my brother. Both my parents drove from their home to stay with him as well, so we didn't have to make our long drive longer by having to go to them.

We ate scrumptious food and stayed near home, except for a few visits to see friends.
Grandad and Cora
Uncle Korry and Cora (say that 10 times fast)
first family photo on my side with our little addition
Grandad is making faces with Cora 
playing with Momma
Umm... three generations of girls
Take two... that's better
Gramma and Cora
We arrived on a Saturday and after a couple days of relaxing with my family, we ventured out to see our friends Chet and Jenni and their three girls. Little girls and babies...what a combination! Everyone got to "hold" Cora.
MacKenzie and baby Cora

Madison, Lillie and Cora

Lillie wanted to hold Cora too, so Mommy helped

On Tuesday I was able to steal away to have lunch with my friend Laurissa, and Sean had dinner with his long-time friend Randy while Korry and I watched Toy Story 3 and had the most delicious salad ever. My brother is a fabulous cook!
Laurissa's daughter Taitum and baby Cora

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