Friday, March 25, 2011

Three Months

Three months ago yesterday, our lives were changed forever as our beautiful little girl entered the world. How far we've all come in just three short months!! Cora is officially an infant now instead of a newborn. 

She has pudgy wrists and a double chin that I love to kiss. She is starting to grasp toys more frequently and loves to look at her hands. 

She used to like to be held all of the time and now prefers some time in her little chair to kick around and look at the overhead lights (I never thought I would love the dimmers in this apartment so much, but since she looks at the lights all the time, I am very thankful for them!). 

She still hates tummy time but tolerates it much longer than before, and when she has had enough she puts her head down and won't hold it up anymore, therefore defeating the purpose of the exercise. Smart girl!

She smiles and screeches... the beginning of a laugh. She has started cooing a little and she talks to us and her toys, anything with a face. 

She just fits perfectly in her three month clothing and, I anticipate, will soon be out of them. She likes changing time and watches her mobile and chats while getting dressed.

She fusses and sticks her bottom lip out when she is tired and then curls up on my shoulder and falls asleep with her little mouth open. She smiles at us from her cradle in the morning when we go to pick her up. She is getting too big for her cradle.

She fills our every moment with happiness and gratitude.

Sitting up like a big girl

Will she like to sing? A little preview...

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