Monday, April 11, 2011

Minnesota Bound 2011 Part Two

During the middle of our week in MN we transitioned all of our baby gear to Sean's parents' home. Cora met lots of family for the first time and charmed them all!

meeting "Auntie" Allison (my BF)

nap time with Allie

hangin' in the infamous family bassinet

four generations 

lunch with Great Grandpa Walter and Great Grandma Carol

family picture (minus Michael and Jamie's fiancee Tara and her daughter Myah)

all the cousins

Malia and Cora

Varsana and Cora
Sean's cousin Liz and baby Cora

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Auntie Erin holding Cora! And the one of Uncle Chris was taken with a phone. I was so focused on getting a family picture before everyone cleared out after we had dinner on Saturday that I didn't seem to get all the pictures that I wanted. On Sunday, we also had lunch with Great Aunt Kathy and Great Uncle Jim along with Chris's parents who were in town for the weekend. Lots of activity for our little peanut! By the end of it all we were very happy to be home and back to a normal routine. We are so glad to have been able to get back to see lots of family while Cora is still in her infant phase!

Uncle Chris and Cora
Nani and Cora

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