Saturday, May 28, 2011

Springtime Days

What have we been up to lately, you ask? Oh well... a little of this and a little of that. Cora can tell you.

We get outside when we can.

We laugh and giggle.

Spending time in the Baby Bjorn is loads of fun now that facing forward is an option.

In the morning, hanging out in the Jenny-jump-up is usually pretty interesting, except that I'm not quite sure how to get it to do anything. Is there some sort of trick to this? Chewing on the sides must be what it's all about.

Story time is the best! Especially when gnawing on the pages is allowed.

And of course, this strange new thing of getting food off of a spoon. I like to squirm around so that Momma hits my nose and eyes instead of my mouth. Seems like a good trick. Then I usually start squawking to get out of the Bumbo seat. It's just too constricting for an adventurer such as myself!

Then we usually play some fun games before bed. I'm SO BIG!

And that's about it for a typical day. Here's one more of me smiling. Momma and Daddy love to see me smile. I'm a happy baby. 


  1. Rosie (8 months) has just figured out how to jump in the jumper -- I'm sure Cora will get the hang of it soon! I L.O.V.E. the leg rolls in the last photo!

  2. Gramma and Grandad love Cora's smiles, too. We are happy through the day after a glow of Cora sunshine. I can't wait to send her more chewing books as soon as your California address is valid. The little pink hat reminds me of Great Gramma Peachy. God is good to fill our lives with all rich things.
