Monday, May 30, 2011

Bike the Drive

Yesterday morning was the annual Bike the Drive here in Chicago in which Sean participated this year. They close down Lake Shore Drive for about six hours in the morning and people appear from everywhere to ride their bikes down the road along the lake for 30 miles (15 miles one way). 

It was not raining, so the weather was not completely uncooperative (it has been raining constantly for the last couple days). Apparently the morning was extremely foggy to the point that one could not see anything apart from the road, which is really too bad because there are some fabulous views of the city and the lake.

Chicago River bridge

looking into the city from the bridge

looking out at the lake from the bridge

After getting up at 4:30am and biking 30 miles, Sean came home and went to church with us, packed up some boxes in the afternoon, and even managed to grill burgers for dinner while the rest of us hung out on the deck! What a wonderful guy!!


Of course I had to get some pictures of Cora squeezed in here too! ;)

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