Monday, May 23, 2011

My Third Post Of The Day - A Few Pictures

I have had trouble uploading my pictures lately which is partly why I hadn't posted in a while (I have also been trying to be responsible and pack). I have so many cute pictures of Cora that I wanted to put on here, so I figured I would add one last post of the day with just that... random pictures of the most adorable baby on the planet.

First... the Bumbo seat. I know Grandad will appreciate this outfit.

Yes, that is camouflage she is wearing - a cute gift from our friends Chet and Jenni (ok mostly Chet).

And now for the pictures she will be mad at me for taking when she is older - naked tummy time.

But, seriously?... cutest baby ever.

1 comment:

  1. You made our night! Seriously. "Cutest baby ever." Although... you and Korry were pretty cute yourselves
