Monday, May 23, 2011

California or Bust

Well, it's officially official. We found a house to rent in California and signed the lease last Monday. Sean has finished all of his licensing requirements and other multiple paperwork items for his new job, and he is wrapping up more residency requirements daily.

We have booked a moving company, started packing, and routed our trip via mapquest.

In just four short weeks, we will be hitting the road to begin the 38-hour drive to our new home. We are planning on taking our time and will be visiting a friend and a few sites along the way. Sean has his schedule for July, and he will be starting on the 7th, which will give us a nice amount of time to get settled. 

It's incredible that we are really doing it. I am looking forward to every new experience!

1 comment:

  1. Right when Erin & Chris move home, you guys move farther away! But I know this is such an exciting opportunity for you! Happy moving!
