Monday, May 9, 2011

Gramma Peachy's Memorial

For those of you who didn't know, my grandma on my dad's side passed away on January 26th. She was cremated, so we didn't need to do the funeral right away and my Grandpa decided it would be better to wait until the weather was more cooperative to have the memorial. So the weekend of April 30th, I flew back to MN with Cora for a time of grieving and celebration of a life with my family. Unfortunately Sean had to work, and he was very much missed.

We decided to go a day early and spend a day with Sean's parents, so they could see Cora. 

Nani, Granda and Cora

On Friday morning, Ron and Nancy drove me to meet my brother, and he and I headed up to my parents' house in northern Minnesota. My brother Korry has a two-seater sports car that he managed to squeeze a car seat borrowed from friends into the back "seat" behind my side. This posed a slight problem as Cora was then stuck in the back seat by herself (I usually sit back with her to play on long car rides). She fussed a little more than usual, but we made it up in one piece. 

My Grandmother on my mom's side came for the weekend to spend time with us and meet Cora. She arrived with my great aunt Liz (my maternal grandpa's sister) on Friday evening, and we ate wonderful food and had a nice time talking and entertaining the baby.

Cora and Great Grandma Imelda

Saturday arrived and was a wonderful time of visiting family. The day was a little chaotic at times as my mom had duties to perform, decorating and serving at the meal provided after the memorial. My grandpa gave a moving speech, and we all cried. I stood in the back of the room with Cora and prayed that she wouldn't fuss or even coo, as I would have had to step out, and I didn't want to miss any of it. She made a couple little screechy sounds just to make sure everyone knew she was still there, but she was quiet the whole time and I didn't have to leave once. I was so thankful! 

Great Aunt Liz

Grandad and Cousin Kim (who made the dress Cora was wearing)

Four generations of girls

All of the great grandchildren of my Grandpa and late Grandma (my cousin Kandi's kids, Alex and Abbi)

Korry and I headed back to his home on Sunday after a meal of waffles and maple roasted bacon. It was a bittersweet farewell, since we will be moving to California before we see my family again. I'm sure we will visit just as much as we do now, but it is so much farther away that it just feels like a different goodbye. 

Uncle Korry and Cora

Grandad and Cora

Cora and Gramma

Last moments with the sweet baby. What a loved little girl!

Cora and I stayed with Uncle Korry on Sunday night and headed back to Chicago on Monday afternoon. We really missed Daddy and were very, very happy to be home.

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