Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter in California

Sean, Cora and I spent this last weekend in California looking for housing for our move in June. We are planning to rent for a while first until we get to know the area. We were only there for three full days, but we feel like we had such a productive trip. We really got a sense for the rental culture, and we saw such a variety of places that we were able to rule out certain areas. Poor Cora did spend many an hour in her carseat, but she was a magnificent traveler all around. 

The more places we saw, the more we thought we may have to make another trip out closer to our move date. Everything has a really fast turn-around. There is a large military presence as well as a big college in one of the cities. Plus it is just a desirable area anyway being so close to the ocean. Most houses are not even shown until they are vacant and it appeared would rent very fast after placed on the market. A move at the end of June was almost too far out for anyone to consider us.

We do have three places we like, and now after speaking with the property managers, we are optimistic that we may get one of them. We will keep you posted. 

Since we were there over a Sunday, we decided to check out one of the local churches in the area. And being Easter Sunday (as well as Cora's 4-month birthday), of course I had to get her a cute dress.

We headed back home early on Monday morning. Applications have now been submitted, checks will be in the mail tomorrow for credit fees, and we are excited to see what is in store for us in the near future!

Why can't I take the car out, Dad?!


  1. I love that last Easter picture of Cora! She is so pretty!

  2. Lilah keeps saying "Ohhh what a cute baby!"
