Friday, February 25, 2011

Cora's Many Faces

Earlier this afternoon I was trying to catch a smile with my iPhone camera. This is what I got...

A little later, I tried again. Because I was in such a hurry to make sure I didn't miss it, I only got the beginning and of course camera phones are blurry if you move at all. But I still think it was a success...

If that's not a Sean smile, I don't know what is!!

In other news, Cora broke the record of sleep over night by a long shot. I think she was showing off after her two month birthday. After she put herself to bed last night, she slept until 7:15 this morning!!! Incredible! I went to bed at 11:30!! And that was after I blogged, filled the humidifier, and got ready for bed... all this while she had already been sleeping. I must admit I woke up a few times and did get up in the early morning to make sure she wasn't dead, but when 7:15 came along, I still felt like a million dollars!!


  1. These are HAPPY pictures! She is. We are because of her.

  2. Good work, and thank you. You patiently made it possible for us to see too. I like that she has her color coordinated kitties "Mommy love me" bib on for the moment. Amazing child. Which one? From my point of view, all of them.
