Saturday, September 27, 2008

Trip to Boston and Cape Cod

Sean had a blissful week of vacation from September 13th to the 21st, so early on that Saturday morning, we caught a flight out to Boston to visit Erin and Chris, just narrowly missing O'Hare being shut down due to flooding from the leftover Hurricane Ike rain.

As I am incredibly behind with my blog updates, I am going to cheat and direct you to Erin's recap of this awesome trip, since she noted everything that I would have wanted to include.

Cheater, cheater, cheater... :)


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Erin got some great pictures. I expecially like the one of your first raw oyster. Ewww! Did you eat a second one? I've only ever eaten one, and that was enough!!!

  2. It's okay, Bonny. I'm going to cheat from you one of these days. =)
