Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sean's Parents Visit Chicago

On Wednesday, September 3rd, Sean's parents flew to Chicago to visit us for a few days before heading out to Boston to see Erin and Chris as well. Unfortunately, Sean had to work in the evening when they arrived and a little the next morning, so he did not get to see them as much as he would have liked.

We took a long walk through our favorite park where we go running, drove around downtown and saw the sights, and went to the German Brauhaus for some oom-pah-pah music and great German fare. Sean and I grilled salmon for the first time, and it turned out delicious! Brigita received lots of attention and spoiling and took advantage of every petting opportunity that she could. She would just go from person to person expecting to be loved up, which, of course, she was. 

When we arrived in Chicago, Sean became a member of the Swedish-American Museum, which is very close to where we live. He is largely Swedish on his Mom's side. We took Ron and Nancy to the museum, which Nancy, in particular, really enjoyed. Here are some pictures of the museum, including a nod to the fact that the Swedes were very influential in medicine and built quite a few hospitals. Nancy and I are both nurses, so we liked the pictures of a graduating class during the '50's - white hats and all!

There was also a beautiful collection of old Bibles and other assorted books. I managed to get Sean to try on one of the plastic Viking hats in the gift shop and catch it on film!

On Saturday morning, after a very enjoyable time, I went to work, and Sean sent his parents off on an early flight to Boston before heading to work himself.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really good picture of the four of you - I love the lighting. It almost looks like you're on a movie stage!
