Friday, August 8, 2008

Nothing Much

Not much exciting stuff has happened in the last couple weeks. Sean and I are really getting settled in to living in Chicago. We like to get out and drive around when we get some time off together, so that we can get used to where everything is and how to get there easily. 

I have also started running with Sean (well not really with him, but at the same time). He has always been a runner and likes to find new routes wherever he is living. I am usually more of an elliptical-in-the-health-club girl, but we have not found a club that we like here yet. So, in the last couple of weeks, I have started going down to the lakefront with Sean and finding my own routine to exercise and be alone with my thoughts. Sean had told me that there was a really great view of the city on his route, and I had not witnessed it until the first time I tagged along with him. I wish I had brought my camera, because it was absolutely beautiful that day. There is a spot where you turn a corner and downtown just emerges in front of you as you move forward. I have never had such a great area to exercise, and I really look forward to our available evenings.

A very eventful moment in my life took place last weekend when I tried Unagi for the first time (the dragon one). It was actually quite delicious. For you non-sushi-eaters, check out this hilarious explanation.

We had been attending Moody Church in the evenings for the last few weeks, because Sean had been working so many night shifts. Last Sunday we were finally able to go during the morning again and went to an ABF (adult Bible fellowship) group for the first time. We really loved our group back in Minnesota at Grace, so we really think that having a group that you mesh with well is important. So far, I am excited. The people are really nice and friendly, and it seems like an environment where they really break down Bible passages and get into the meaning, which I love. 

It is hard to really get out and enjoy what the city has to offer, because Sean works so much. We don't get big chunks of time together. I do like our life here though, despite the busyness that surrounds us. 


  1. We'll have to visit your favorite restaurant when we see you the first part of September!

  2. Sounds like you're having fun exploring your new surroundings, as are we!!!
    I've only had sushi once, some of it was good, some of it wasn't.
    Sounds like your church search is going well.
