Monday, July 28, 2008


Sean turned 28 on July 18th. Whew!! I tease him about getting old all the time, but I tried to be nice on his actual birthday. He had the day off as it turned out, so we were able to celebrate a little. We went to see The Dark Knight (which was awesome) and then got dressed up and went out for dinner downtown at Nick's Fishmarket. I tried oysters for the first time in an appetizer we ordered, and we both indulged with delicious fish dishes. Sean had to work overnight the next day, so after we walked around a little in the area near the restaurant, we went home and watched movies to help him stay up late so he could try to sleep in. It was fun.


  1. Happy birthday Sean. Sounds like a great way to celebrate.

  2. I'm excited to see you guys in a few weeks!

  3. Yeah, we all have to get old. It is some rule of earth, written down, even. At least, we can do so with style and grace. Your evening captured both. And, thank you, Sean for having the kind thought to send an instant picture of the event. We appreciate being a part of your celebration. God bless your every day's also. Love, from mom & kitty
