Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Fever

We are so very excited for spring to arrive over here. I am overjoyed that it is the first day of March (other than the fact that this means I will turn 30 in a couple days). This is the beginning of the end. Today was in the 40s. A little windy but sunny and gorgeous! Sean was off, so we all took a long walk down to the lake. 

While we loved being able to be outside, we were also reminded of how happy we will be to get out of this neighborhood. We saw a couple drunk guys (it was 2 in the afternoon), a gentleman zipping up his fly as he had just urinated in the alley, and a couple of dudes exchanging pot in the park just as we walked by. They didn't even care that we were right there. 

Cora was oblivious to all of the above as she snoozed in her Moby wrap.


  1. Look! Cora is holding on, a little, herself!

  2. Look at those long lashes! P.S. You just showed me another way to wrap Brinlee in her wrap now that she's getting bigger. Yay!
