Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Do you ever feel like when you get one important part of your life in order, the rest falls into place so much easier? The last couple of weeks I have been feeling blah. I haven't been getting things done around the house like I should, don't play with and talk to Cora as much as I should, and just don't really feel like doing anything. Sometimes a whole day goes by and I can't figure out what I actually did with my time. Instead of reading my Bible in the morning when I get up, I will watch a movie, read a novel, or waste away my time on the internet (blogs, Facebook, etc.).

And my whole life is suffering from it. 

I was looking at pictures of Cora this morning while I was drinking my coffee and eating breakfast. I came across these ones. They were taken almost exactly two months apart... Dec 27th and Feb 28th.

She is getting so big so fast. Every moment counts towards her development as a human being. My job is now her. And I haven't even been taking advantage of it like I should. 

Last night I went to my small group, where we are studying Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind. She talks about how your thoughts dictate who you are. You can't have negative (or blah) thoughts and expect to have a positive (fullfilling, stimulating) life. And I have been filling mine with stuff that is in no way uplifting to my life. Stuff that does not matter.

And then the downward spiral effect occurs...

When I let my devotional and prayer life slip and fill that time with other things, I seem to get these feelings of impending doom. Like God couldn't possibly continue to bless me in the amazing ways that He has. Something bad is bound to happen.

I confessed all of these things to the beautiful women at my small group last night. I admitted that I hadn't even wanted to come to our group that evening, because I knew that I needed to tell them all about my struggles and then they were going to keep me accountable (which is the last thing you want when you are consciously choosing to not grow or be productive in your walk with God). 

So after my declaration, I (with their help) decided that my goal for this week would be to deliberately think positively when I just felt like doing nothing. Don't feel like reading your Bible? Too bad! It is a good thing. I will be an uplifting thing. Pray for the Words to reveal things about yourself and make a difference in your day, even if you didn't really "feel" like picking it up in the first place. 

And I assigned myself Prov 15:15 to memorize for the week (regarding above feelings of impending doom). "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast."

And so of course this morning, I got a text from my lovely friend Erin saying, exactly, "Oowwwee it's a gorgeous day today!! Put on your Armor (Eph 6) and be intentional today." Ha! I knew I was going to be kept accountable...

I love that word... Intentional

I hadn't really been reading anything specific in my sporadic devotions, so I decided to just start with the Today in the Word booklet for March that I had recently received in the mail. 

And this is what I read.

Jer 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart."

What a promise!

Now I leave you with a song that encouraged me this morning. I have to go play with my baby.


  1. Feast

    That's a good word, too.

    As always, I'm so pleased with your accomplishments.

  2. I feel what you are saying, Bonny! I've been dealing with the same stuff, and to be honest, it may have a lot to do with post-pregnancy hormones. I know you might think, "she's already two months old, it couldn't be baby blues." But they can last for up to a year, and they're extremely legitimate.
    Yes, the number one answer is to get back into the Word and prayer. You can also look into taking a B complex vitamin as well as vitamin D. That's helped me, too.
    I'll pray for you and you pray for me! :)

  3. Brianalavine LaVineMarch 2, 2011 at 8:28 PM

    I love you Bonnie, this was a wonderful way to end my day. You're right, the laundry and grocery list and all those reasons to feel blah don't even begin to compare to the joy of belonging to Christ. "You [the world] can have all the rest [movies, novels, distractions], give me Jesus!"
