Friday, November 15, 2013

Crazy Coordinator Lady

I'm such a planner. I am very unorganized with it comes to some things. Just take a look in my "kid cupboard" in the kitchen. But then with other things I am Crazy Coordinator Lady.

We are moving. I need lists. And a huge 3-ring binder with labeled tabs. And white labels for each box that I write on with a color-coordinated sharpie that goes with each room. I printed off the floor plan from our soon-to-be house's appraisal and used my trusty sharpies to assign a color to each room. Those sharpies will then be used to write on the white labels and eventually on a big sign placed on each door when we get to our house so that the movers know where to put things. 

In fact, I accidentally used the wrong color on one of the boxes and actually had to go write over it with the appropriate one. Eeesh.

I need structure. I need a specific curriculum for my daughter to do preschool activities. I can't just think simple things up on my own. If it came down to that, I just would not teach her anything in an organized fashion and then beat myself up for being a below par mother. I either need to be organized or I give up completely.

I overwhelm myself. I have spent so much time planning for our move that I probably could have half the place packed up and labeled with a simple black marker. 

At times I will spend a half hour researching activities to do with my daughter instead of just playing with her during that time. 

Sometimes I really just need to take a breath and trust God. This is currently one of my struggles. My desire to be organized (which is a good thing, people!) and intentional with our time but at the same time to stand back, enjoy and just let life happen.


  1. I've always liked your handwriting.

  2. Yay, just caught up on your blog! I'm glad you're posting again! Let us know how we can help you with the move.
