Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Salinas Rodeo

This past Saturday Sean and I took Cora to the Salinas Rodeo (they pronounce it row-DAY-ow). We watched cowboys get bucked off horses, chased by bulls and rope wild ponies.

Sean and I were pretty impressed, while Cora was more entertained by crawling through the bleachers, "cleaning" up gross trash around where we were seated and touching people in the seats in front of us.

Good times.

Afterwards we went to a western store that was having a big sale. We didn't buy anything but sure had fun trying on stuff.

[So I found a blogger app for my iPhone... But it doesn't upload the pictures in the order that I attached them. Annoying. You get the idea though.]

1 comment:

  1. Audrey Hepburn styled sunglasses: she looks great in everything, and even better sitting on Daddy's lap and trying on pink cowboy hats with Momma.
    Who'd have thought you'd be spectators at the famous Salinas Rodeo? God is always doing immeasurably more than all I could ask or imagine. That is the real meaning of fun.
