Sunday, July 15, 2012

18 Months

What a wonderfully entertaining little person my Cora is. I always think I will be sad when one stage of development is over, but the next one is always so much richer and more interesting.

At 18 Months, Cora says 27 words, including "yup" or "yeah" after any sort of question that you ask her. 

For example... 
"Did you get to go outside today?"

"Is Brigita a naughty puppy?"

"Are you a big, poopy mess?"
"Yeah" [while proceeding to run away because she knows a diaper change is imminent]

The other day Sean was playing with her in the living room while I was getting ready, and she kept saying, "Momma, Momma." Sean replied to her, "What about Daddy? Is Daddy chopped liver?" And she said, "Yup!" 

She can put large puzzle pieces and all of her shape-sorter blocks in their correct places.

She especially loves to read books and point at all of the pictures while asking, "Dat?"

Whenever she wants something, she points and yells, "Mommee!!!" That has recently changed from, "Ah!" Not sure what that is about, since she calls me Momma when she is talking about me.

She took her first unassisted steps at the very end of 16 months and started really walking at 17 months. Now she runs everywhere and prefers to climb over things if she can at all help it. She really loves this monkey push toy that she got at my baby shower.

Here are some pictures, including an impromptu photo shoot we did in our pajamas.

Yes my dog is wearing a diaper... She was in heat.


  1. Amazing! The Lord GOD has revealed Himself in this child. He has created someone too wonderful for words. The pictures are worth a thousand times two. Gramma is all smiles.

  2. Oh, and I like her frog jammies! I also noticed the half face expression that indicated enough pictures already! Hahahaha. I like the pictures with Irene, too. Grandad loves that ooo face.
