Thursday, August 4, 2011


Ugh... The sickness has been going around our house. First Cora and I had a cold, now we both have gastroenteritis and Sean is getting the cold. I shouldn't complain because I have not been sick since before I was pregnant - a pretty long stretch for not even a sniffle. 

But I HAVE to complain! I just hate being sick so much. I am such a bad sick person. I don't want to do anything but then I feel restless like I want to be doing something. Cora has been making me feel guilty for wanting to be so blah. She is just as sweet and smiley as always, even between vomiting episodes. She is mostly over that part, but not completely 100%.

I won't bore you with anymore details. I am so ready to be better. Enough already! Boo!

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