Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally Another Pediatrician Appointment

We missed Cora's 6-month appointment in Chicago and now finally have our insurance issues ironed out, so today she went in to meet a new doctor. I LOVED it there! I am really excited. She barely cried at her shot (they had incredible distracting toys) and both the pediatrician and the nurse had wonderful bedside manner. They talked to Cora like she was a little person (which she is) and let her know what was going on and what they were going to do. I really like that. 

Plus this doctor is really into preventative medicine, so he gave me a list of vitamins and such to be on (since she is still nursing). I really like that too.

Anyway, here are the stats for 8 months (they round up I guess): 50th percentile for head circumference again, 18.6 lbs (63rd percentile), and 27 inches (70th percentile).

I would include a picture, but the peanut is sleeping after her stressful morning. 

1 comment:

  1. She's tall! And soon she will weigh as much as little Zelda, of whom I can pick up from the floor, but not in the morning, so I'm looking forward to baby holding time in a dozen days from now.
