Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Not-So-Sweet Potato

When Cora was born, I toyed with the idea of making my own baby food. After she started cereal, I decided that I would like to take the project on. My friend told me about this great thing called the Baby Bullet, and Sean and I decided that buying it would be a good investment since I will be planning on making food for future kids as well. 


It pretty much works like a food processor or nice blender would, but it is mini so you can make extremely fresh stuff because you are not having to make larger amounts and freeze them (unless you want to).

So the whole thing came in the mail last Saturday, and I was really excited to get started with it. It also included a great book with what to feed at different stages, recipes for all stages, and even a "picking the best produce" section where it tells you what to look for with different fruits and veggies when shopping... did I mention how much I love it?

On Sunday after church (Sean had to work) I went to two different places looking for an organic sweet potato which is what I had decided to start with. I blended an avocado as well, so I would have food for the whole week. 

On Monday morning, I steamed my sweet potato to keep all those great nutrients in and blended it to perfection by following my little directions with how much water to add. 

sweet potato and avocado

Then Sean and I got out the iPhone and switched it to video mode, placed Cora in the Bumbo seat with her little bib, and proceeded to attempt to feed her the first non-milk flavored food. We were so excited. 

What a momentous experience. 

Afterwards I couldn't help but think it was slightly anticlimactic after all of my preparations. 

We sure did keep trying for an amusingly long amount of time. We would also prefer to not be judged for the ending where we decided it would be a good idea to shove the food in her mouth, thinking that would make a difference in her appreciation for it. We plead temporary insanity.

It's so easy to forget that babies are people too. They have their own personalities, likes and dislikes, opinions... and they are very adept at telling us if we would just pause to listen. 

Cora teaches me new things every day. I love being a parent.


  1. I love her! And I love your diligence and all the effort that went into this moment. It was great. Cora doesn't have any trouble expressing herself, does she? Her arms alternating up and down in thumps and bib squishings into the mouth are the best. And now that her "highly suspect" experience monitor has been activated you're going to have to steam up something amazing for the next spoonfuls. I can't wait.

  2. Fun! I saw one of those on TV the other day, and it looked awesome.
