Thursday, June 9, 2011

5 Month Shenanigans

I never posted anything when Cora turned 5 months on May 24th, so I wanted to share a collection of pictures and videos that just shows what she is doing and where she is at in her development at this point. Then we can look back and see what we were up to when she is in college. 

Blah, blah, blah.  

Ok, so I just take too many pictures and videos and needed an excuse to share them with you.

had to immortalize those chubby thighs - I just want to kiss her all day

definitely have the grasping down...

...and the smiling...

...and the putting everything graspable into the mouth

yes I had food

She loves to talk and screech. And I love to listen.

1 comment:

  1. Baby, you're the best Baby of the Earth! The Lord's finest work. I love the coo and screech combinations.
