Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

I was actually more excited for Mother's Day than I have been for any other holiday in a while. My first one... In church they always honor the mothers by having them stand during the service, and that was going to be me! 

We went to church and heard a wonderful sermon! Afterwards, Sean took me downtown to get me a Mother's Day gift. We stopped at a little cafe and bought sandwiches, which we took to a nearby park to eat. He bought me a silver heart-shaped locket with two compartments. I am going to put a picture of Cora and a lock of her newborn hair into it. 

It was a lovely day.

As a special gift to me, Cora laughed for the first time on Mother's Day. I thought she had laughed once before, but it was nothing like this. I think she was just on the verge of crying the other time, and it sort of came out like a laugh. This was contagious!! Sean was swinging her, and she just kept giggling at him. I didn't get her on film the first time, but yesterday she was at it again. Enjoy!

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