Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cora's Stats

Cora had her four month appointment last week. She was exactly 15 lbs and 25" long. She is in the 75th percentile for both (at two months she was 95th for height and 75th for weight). Her head circumference is in the 50th percentile (which is up from her two month appt where she was only in the 10-15th). She had to get vaccines again which was just as awful as last time, except she was less consolable afterwards. I always make Sean hold her and watch. Shots are my least favorite thing so far about being a parent. 

Our pediatrician gave us information about giving her solids between four and six months. My baby is growing up. *sniffle* 

We are going to wait until five months before starting based on various sources of information (some say four, some say six, blah, blah).

Yesterday we started another "grown up" thing...

Drum roll...

The Jenny Jump Up! 

I had to stuff blankets around her so she wouldn't slide around, and she was too low to the ground the first time but really didn't seem to mind being in it (despite the face displayed below).

"I'm trapped! Let me out!"

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