Friday, April 15, 2011

The Glamourous Life

Today I opened some boxes from the closet that were packed with summer clothes, shoes, and some boots that I had put away last fall because I couldn't wear them when I was pregnant (as in 3-5 inch heels). What a difference looking at everything from this side of childbearing! 

Let's not even get into the multiple pairs of size two shorts that I hadn't even worn in years prior to baby. Whatever made me think I would actually wear any of those heels on an even semi-regular basis after I had my child?! What if I slipped and dropped her? How could I ever get down the stairs in them holding a car seat filled with a rapidly-getting-heftier baby, packed-full diaper bag, and various other paraphernalia necessary for the outing that took two and a half hours to get ready for? I am already afraid of falling with her. And anywhere I go usually involves at least a bit of walking while carrying heavy things. Not to mention I haven't even worn heels like I used to since marrying Sean, because we always seemed to be walking fast somewhere and I couldn't ever keep up (our first unofficial date involved my 4-inch stiletto heels getting caught every step in grating on a Minneapolis street as we walked 8 blocks to a Irish pub).

I chuckled as I placed most of the shoes and clothing into another box labeled "good will." Some of that stuff had made it through at least four moves, even though it had been packed away the whole time. I remember looking at the shorts and platform heels with nostalgia, thinking, "maybe again someday."

Oh the loss of glamour.... and yet I didn't even have a second thought as I threw the previously hoarded things into the box. All those wishes to keep my cute articles are just somehow gone. Not that I want to be frumpy. I am just excited to be put together in a more realistic way with my feet flat on the ground.

But... I will admit I did keep one pair of heels that I've had for years. I just loved them and used to wear them with everything. Maybe Cora can play "dress up" with them someday.

So as I closed the chapter to 4 inch heels, frilly strapless tops with matching shorts, and 120 lbs, I couldn't help but think...

Baby Girl... You were worth every bit.


  1. Ok, love this one!!!

    PS- What size shoe do you wear? ;-)

  2. Most of them are 7 to 8. Get 'em while they're hot! :)

  3. Save me a cute pair of 8's! =)

  4. Well put! I love the pic of Cora. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter which seems impossible because she started out so precious! I love that we're going through these mom-realizations at the same time.
