Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Big 3-0

This past Friday the 4th I turned 30. Sean was on a short stretch of nights, so he worked the night before and after my birthday. I was planning on being really low key, but a couple weeks prior to the big event, a friend of Sean's (and mine) in residency invited us and a few other couples up to her husband's parent's cabin in Michigan for the weekend. 

We were originally planning on going up together on Saturday after Sean's shift and staying overnight only. But then on Thursday my friend Rachel, who was also going, called me and asked if I wanted to go up a day early with her. Of course I was excited! It was also going to be Cora's first time away from home. Rachel picked Cora and I up around 11am on Friday for a very relaxing, fun-filled weekend. They even decorated with balloons and birthday hats and made me a delicious chocolate cake with homemade cream cheese frosting when they found out it was my birthday.

Sean came up the next morning and we all played games and ate yummy food. We ended up being three couples and Rachel whose husband couldn't make it, which accounted for two two-year-olds, one nine-month-old, one six-month-old and Cora (1O weeks). Needless to say, there was constant activity!!

Rachel is also a photographer, and she snapped some pictures of my peanut while we were there. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday again, Bonny! I'm so glad you were able to get away. Cora is so, so pretty. I can't wait to see her soon.
