Monday, February 21, 2011

Leisurely Mornings

I love mornings like this. Sean works at 1pm today, so he got up with Cora at 6 this morning and let me sleep until 8:45. Ah bliss. He has a really big test on Wednesday that he has been studying for pretty much every waking moment so taking the time to do that was pretty sweet.

Now I am actually enjoying a cup of coffee (which I bet I won't get to finish) and a few moments to myself as Cora sleeps on our bed. I put her up there to change over the washing machine to the dryer earlier, and she has just been snoozing for a while now. 

And I am in a fabulous mood, because I have lost 6.6 lbs so far since I started weight watchers online. Today is my weigh-in day. It just feels so good to be healthy. I pretty much ate whatever I wanted (within reason - it wasn't terrible, just lots of whatever I was eating) when I was pregnant and definitely noticed the effects of it. I remember when I first got pregnant I said I was not going to be one of those people who gained significantly above what the recommended range was. HA!!

So now I have a little work to do to get back to pre-pregnancy, but it is coming along. I can't wait until the weather is better and Cora, Brigita and I can go on walks outside. Brigita definitely will benefit from that as well. She does not get played with like she used to, and she has all of this crazy pent up energy.

There is the crying cutie pie. I told you I wouldn't get to finish my coffee. That is my private joke with myself. Any hot beverage will always be finished cold from now on, and if I want to make something hot to drink mid to end of nap time, Cora invariably will start crying in the middle of preparation. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, she's so pretty! Congrats on the weight loss, Bonny, but you looked great in every picture while you were pregnant.
