Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Smile

For the past week, Cora has been sort of half-smiling. As in, I'm never quite sure if she really meant to do it. And it is usually just the right side of her mouth tentatively pulling up like she is not quite sure if this situation, whatever it may be, really warrants a smile. I am always trying to coax one out of her, because I just know she is so close. Acting like a crazy person, laughing at her, playing games. Always just a serious stare back.

Then today...

I was holding her with one arm and dialing the phone with the other to make an appointment for Brigita to finally go to the groomer. I looked down at Cora to see if I thought she might get fussy while I was on the phone, and there it was. She looked back at me - directly into my eyes - and smiled the cutest little full-faced smile! I wasn't even trying to make her do it. The guy at Soggy Paws answered the phone, and I couldn't even respond right away. I didn't want to make the moment end.

I'm smitten. I can't wait for Sean to see it!


  1. It was on my birthday

  2. I'm smitten also; distance is not relevant, but I can't wait to see for myself.
