Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Helloooo.... Anyone out there?? Yeah, it's me.... Bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth. I don't even know if I should bother trying to update what has been going on since I posted last FOUR MONTHS ago, but I guess I will attempt a brief synopsis.

After our Hawaii trip, we had a couple crazy months of running around and visiting. It was nice to see everyone we knew but a little hectic at the same time. At beginning of April, we bought a new car and then tried it out on a nice, long road trip back to Minnesota to see immediate and extended family on both sides. Time was brief all around, but we were able to see a great many of our family members. Prior to this excursion, we had escaped for a few days to Boston to visit Erin and Chris.

During May, we had a mini-break of looking for a new place to live (our old landlords got foreclosed on, so we left at the end of our lease) when Sean went to New Orleans for a conference, and my friend Allison flew out to see me for the first time since we moved to Chicago. She is coming back at the end of this month already!!

We moved to a new condo during the last couple weeks in May and during the last weekend, Erin and Chris came to see us here in Chicago! Erin had a work conference, so they both decided to come for a long weekend. Jamie and his girlfriend Samantha also flew in, so we got to have a mini McRoberts reunion. It was really nice to see everyone again so soon. We miss hanging out with siblings, and it seems like the time is always long between visits.

During June, Sean and I tried to relax a little and take advantage of summer in Chicago. We have been setting up our place for a while now, and I think we are finally done. The storage space is incredibly limiting here, so we have had to purge and be extremely organized. This is a good thing, but it just gets kind of old coming home to a place that is just not quite "livable."

I also began looking for a new job during the beginning of the summer. My agency work has been slower than usual, and the fact that this phenomenon was happening in the summer when there is usually more work was disturbing to us. I am also a little fed up with bedside nursing and feel like I need a break, so I began applying for jobs that were different than what I have done in the past.

About a week ago, I accepted a position as a nurse liaison/account manager for a home health company. I am very excited to move this way in my career!! It will be "normal" hours and a fun, challenging change for me away from direct patient care. I start on Monday!

Sean has also transitioned from an "intern" to a "senior" resident. What a relief to have that first year behind him!! This year, apparently, proves to be interesting as the scheduling is the "worst" of all three years. Is that really possible??... hmmm, I guess so. Boo.

We are loving the summertime in Chi-town, even though the weather this summer has been less than desirable. I will post pictures soon of our new place and hopefully keep up better with our latest and greatest adventures (don't you just love how I post links to Erin's blog all the time, because she keeps it updated so well? He he he).


  1. I am reading your blog! Google Reader helps alert me when you have posted, so dont worry about it being a long while. :) Glad to hear that things are going well with you and your fam.

  2. Bonny you are a good story teller, and writer. Love you, both so much. Sean's birthday is around the corner. Hide the present until the day. AHA!
    anonymous mom
