Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2008

This entry is really late, I know, but I was anti-blog for a while there because my pictures would not load in a timely manner. New year - new resolution not to let the slowness of the picture-loading experience ruin my blogging fun. Now to play catch-up...

Holidays away from home for the first time are interesting. We were sad that we did not get to spend as much time with our families as we would have liked, but considering Sean's residency schedule, we are thankful for what we were able to do. We got to see Sean's family for Thanksgiving and mine for Christmas!! That is a lot during intern year...

Thanksgiving this year (last year?) was a whirlwind but definitely worth it. Sean actually had off for a few days, so we drove back to Minnesota to visit his family. 

On our arrival, Sean dropped me off at a restaurant in St. Louis Park while he arranged to pick up Varsana and Malia (his brother Jamie's girls) to take them with us to his parent's house. I got to steal a little time to see my friend Allison, who I had not seen in almost six months!

The next day, we all drove to Sean's Aunt Mickey's house for a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner.

We left on Friday morning early and arrived home in time for Sean to take a nap before working on Friday night. Lots of driving around and crunched schedules was easily forgotten by a time of good food and fellowship.

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