Monday, December 1, 2008

Mom's Visit

In the beginning of November, during deer hunting, my mom came and visited me. My dad and brother were up hunting, and it was a good time for her to get away. She drove down all by herself. I was very proud of her. 

I had all these grand plans for us to go and do things - see the Shedd aquarium, walk the Magnificent Mile, go to fun restaurants... We actually ended up staying in for the better part of the time and watching movies that we had been talking about seeing with one another for months to years. It was so much fun! 

The first time that we went out, we didn't even go anywhere original. We went to Einstein Brothers and had breakfast bagels! Brigita loved all the attention and how much people were at home to play with her. Sean worked a lot, but he was able to spend some time with us on the Sunday while Mom was here.

We did manage to find a fantastic little coffee shop in Lincoln Square, very near our condo. They served Oatmeal Chai Lattes. "What is that," you ask? Well... it is a decadent little treat with oatmeal, nuts, dried fruit, cinnamon, etc. that they put in a very delicious chai latte recipe. You drink it and then eat the bottom with a spoon. Yum... 

On Sunday, when Sean was able to hang out with us, we went to church and then to a restaurant in Greek Town. Of course we had to get the flaming cheese appetizer! They pour brandy on a hunk of cheese and then light it on fire. It was delish. 

One of our servers loved Mom. She was herself, which constitutes being pretty funny at times, with no attempt to do so. Her comments throughout the meal amused him immensely. She really wanted to keep the extra bread at the end of our meal. She informed the server that you can't just waste good bread. HELLO?! He thought that was highly entertaining, so he brought her another basket's worth and placed it in our bag. When we left, her gave her a hug and asked if she could be his mom. I wish I had thought to get him in one of our pictures. 

After wonderful Greek food, we journeyed through the Chicago History Museum. Below is a picture of the closest that Mom got to a Chicago-style hotdog. She wanted one, but we just never got around to it.  

Brigita was all ready to go with her when she left. She was depressed for a day after. I think she missed all the attention and food scraps!!!


  1. I know how your mom love's bagels and coffee. Sounds like you had a great time.
    It seems time is always too short when in good company.

  2. Next time Chris and I are in Chicago, will you take me for an oatmeal chai?

  3. Definitely! You will love it. It was SO yummy!
