Monday, October 20, 2008


So I was confirmed for a shift this morning and then canceled within the next twenty minutes. And thus, here I am blogging at six o'clock in the morning. 

This has been a trend for me in the last few weeks. Last week I got plenty of hours, but the week before, I was available AND confirmed four days in a row, canceled in the morning for each one, and ended up with only eight hours of work.

So it is definitely hit and miss with agency work. I also heard through the grapevine at one of the hospitals where I go quite a bit, that this particular one is going to try to strive for no agency use at the beginning of November. Considering that one night I worked last week, three out of the six people there were not actually on staff at the hospital (two agency and one traveler), and apparently a hospital close to this one is closing (therefore more patients coming in) for financial reasons, I don't see how this is possible.'s all about money and financial trouble is the name of the game with hospitals - even more so now with the economy in it's current state. 

So I am little nervous about getting enough work. This time of year is slow for us anyway, because people are not going on vacation as much and are probably working extra hours to pay for the holidays. 

My dilemma...

Getting back to the agency vs. traveler scenario. A "traveler" does not necessarily even mean someone who is traveling here from somewhere else. You could live in Chicago and still be a traveler. That is what they call someone who has a short-term contract with the hospital for a certain amount of time and a certain amount of hours. 

#1 - I don't want to be a traveler (be on contract). One of the main reasons that I am working as an agency nurse as opposed to getting a "real job" is so that I can make my own hours. I love that. I don't have to work when Sean is off if I don't want to. He works so many hours that if I did work when he was off, I would never see him.

Getting a contract still allows you a little freedom with picking your hours but not much. They usually declare that you will work every other weekend (plus holidays) and then you get to pick the rest... whew hoo... that's just great. I would never see Sean.

The benefit of a contract is that you are guaranteed full-time work for however long the contract is for (usually about three months).

#2 - I don't want to get a "real job." Once again, the hours would be pre-set and I would probably have to work every third or every other weekend. Yuk!! I am spoiled with my current situation. I have only worked one Sunday since I got here, and when I have worked on Saturdays, it was only because Sean was too.

PLUS the money is SIGNIFICANTLY less working directly for a hospital as opposed to working for an agency. I just can't rationalize that. 

So anyway... that is where I am. I am not really worried, but there is always that nagging in the back of my head about getting enough work to support our current financial plan. I know that God is teaching me patience (that's a hard one for me), faith, and trust and that "plans" can always change, but it is not necessarily easy. He always allows those trials that strengthen the "weakest links" in our lives, doesn't He?... 

That reminds me of that show... You are the weakest link...Goodbye!!

It's a good thing Sean doesn't get "canceled." HA HA Ha ha ha... That's a good one... 
He wishes. :(


  1. Well looks like you'll have some extra time on your hands, at least today anyway. I'm sure it will sort itself out eventually.
    I've never liked learning patience.
    Have fun on your day off. Sounds like a great day to visit the library. I'm sure they've got some good ones in Chicago.

  2. That's so interesting, Bonny. I had no idea all those options were available to nurses. I'm 100% with you though. It's why I love online teaching and subbing. It's horrible to get few hours, but it's so great getting to set your own schedule!

  3. So for what it's worth, here's my one piece of advice:

    #1: Your marraige is #1 to your relationship with God. I would encourage you to find something that works out so you two can see each other as often as possible, which I know you're already trying for :) Your relationship is so important and work should never get in the way of your realtionship with Sean or God.

    Jason and I have to try to keep focused on that too, since I work days and he works overnights and goes to school. It's been aggravating at times, but every moment that we can, we spend together. And we strive to live within our means as much as possible so we don't have to be working all that time! Hang in there- God will provide!
