Tuesday, April 22, 2008

School, Packing, and Such

Today, I am officially done with school until June 21st! I will finish my degree in Chicago! It was really hard to be motivated these last few weeks (even more than usual). I felt like I had so many other things (like this, for instance) that I could be doing with my time. When I was not working on school projects, Sean and I had been looking for apartments and houses to rent and will be heading down to Chicago this weekend to, hopefully, finalize our living situation.
Last week, we went through a closet that had housed many of our most prized possessions--you know...those boxes that get carted from house to house and never really even get opened, but you couldn't possibly throw them away. We were nostalgic as we opened box after box of memories from childhood: old outfits that we used to wear years ago, notes to each other from high school, college papers and books, pictures that we hadn't looked at in a while, and all of those other random pieces of life that you accumulate over the years. 

Sean found some of his bagpiping medals from when he was quite young,

and I finally threw away my absolute favorite pair of jeans that had ripped a couple of years ago.

We managed to keep the important items and throw away a significant amount of junk. We are going to have to continue this ritual in a few other places in our townhome, but I have to admit, I rather enjoy it. I feel excited to consolidate our lives and start over again in a new place, taking along only each other and the really valuable reminiscences from the past.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, it's Audra! Glad to see you have a blog now! I will follow it faithfully! :)
