Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sitting Up

Cora has been half sitting up for a while now where she can stay upright for a few moments only before falling backwards or to the side. She stayed longer if there was something in front of her that caught her attention. 

Today we went to a mom's meetup at a park and all the other babies were sitting up by their mommys, so I put her blanket in the grass and sat her on it to see what would happen...

Baby Edward crawling over to say hi

Baby Edward (10 1/2 mos) and Baby Bennet (7 mos)

on the verge of crying (don't leave me Momma, I can't do this by myself!)

getting distracted by Megan so I can take pictures...

...and this is right after Edward tried to "kiss" her and then she fell over backwards and cried
My big girl! 

1 comment:

  1. Aaaah, I can't stand it! She gives me happy tears and big smiles.
