Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter in California

Sean, Cora and I spent this last weekend in California looking for housing for our move in June. We are planning to rent for a while first until we get to know the area. We were only there for three full days, but we feel like we had such a productive trip. We really got a sense for the rental culture, and we saw such a variety of places that we were able to rule out certain areas. Poor Cora did spend many an hour in her carseat, but she was a magnificent traveler all around. 

The more places we saw, the more we thought we may have to make another trip out closer to our move date. Everything has a really fast turn-around. There is a large military presence as well as a big college in one of the cities. Plus it is just a desirable area anyway being so close to the ocean. Most houses are not even shown until they are vacant and it appeared would rent very fast after placed on the market. A move at the end of June was almost too far out for anyone to consider us.

We do have three places we like, and now after speaking with the property managers, we are optimistic that we may get one of them. We will keep you posted. 

Since we were there over a Sunday, we decided to check out one of the local churches in the area. And being Easter Sunday (as well as Cora's 4-month birthday), of course I had to get her a cute dress.

We headed back home early on Monday morning. Applications have now been submitted, checks will be in the mail tomorrow for credit fees, and we are excited to see what is in store for us in the near future!

Why can't I take the car out, Dad?!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Singing with Momma

Tonight as Cora was eating before bed, she was unusually wide awake (which is never a good sign for getting to sleep by our 8pm bedtime). I was singing to her like I do every night, and she was watching me all bright-eyed. As I sang softly, she suddenly stopped eating, smiled a big smile, and started cooing along with my song. 

Oh... be still my heart!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Glamourous Life

Today I opened some boxes from the closet that were packed with summer clothes, shoes, and some boots that I had put away last fall because I couldn't wear them when I was pregnant (as in 3-5 inch heels). What a difference looking at everything from this side of childbearing! 

Let's not even get into the multiple pairs of size two shorts that I hadn't even worn in years prior to baby. Whatever made me think I would actually wear any of those heels on an even semi-regular basis after I had my child?! What if I slipped and dropped her? How could I ever get down the stairs in them holding a car seat filled with a rapidly-getting-heftier baby, packed-full diaper bag, and various other paraphernalia necessary for the outing that took two and a half hours to get ready for? I am already afraid of falling with her. And anywhere I go usually involves at least a bit of walking while carrying heavy things. Not to mention I haven't even worn heels like I used to since marrying Sean, because we always seemed to be walking fast somewhere and I couldn't ever keep up (our first unofficial date involved my 4-inch stiletto heels getting caught every step in grating on a Minneapolis street as we walked 8 blocks to a Irish pub).

I chuckled as I placed most of the shoes and clothing into another box labeled "good will." Some of that stuff had made it through at least four moves, even though it had been packed away the whole time. I remember looking at the shorts and platform heels with nostalgia, thinking, "maybe again someday."

Oh the loss of glamour.... and yet I didn't even have a second thought as I threw the previously hoarded things into the box. All those wishes to keep my cute articles are just somehow gone. Not that I want to be frumpy. I am just excited to be put together in a more realistic way with my feet flat on the ground.

But... I will admit I did keep one pair of heels that I've had for years. I just loved them and used to wear them with everything. Maybe Cora can play "dress up" with them someday.

So as I closed the chapter to 4 inch heels, frilly strapless tops with matching shorts, and 120 lbs, I couldn't help but think...

Baby Girl... You were worth every bit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Chunky Girl

I just had to share some pictures of the cutest baby on the planet. Cora is growing so fast!! We have met three five-month-olds lately, and she has been at least as big if not bigger than all of them. I can't wait to see where she ranks on the scales at her four month appointment. She is all pudgy just the way I always imagined a baby should look. I just want to eat her up!

It was recently in the mid-80s here and got really hot in our apartment, so my pudgster got to hang out in her diaper.

Here is a video I took today. She was tired, so she can't decide whether she wants to be happy or cry. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Minnesota Bound 2011 Part Two

During the middle of our week in MN we transitioned all of our baby gear to Sean's parents' home. Cora met lots of family for the first time and charmed them all!

meeting "Auntie" Allison (my BF)

nap time with Allie

hangin' in the infamous family bassinet

four generations 

lunch with Great Grandpa Walter and Great Grandma Carol

family picture (minus Michael and Jamie's fiancee Tara and her daughter Myah)

all the cousins

Malia and Cora

Varsana and Cora
Sean's cousin Liz and baby Cora

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Auntie Erin holding Cora! And the one of Uncle Chris was taken with a phone. I was so focused on getting a family picture before everyone cleared out after we had dinner on Saturday that I didn't seem to get all the pictures that I wanted. On Sunday, we also had lunch with Great Aunt Kathy and Great Uncle Jim along with Chris's parents who were in town for the weekend. Lots of activity for our little peanut! By the end of it all we were very happy to be home and back to a normal routine. We are so glad to have been able to get back to see lots of family while Cora is still in her infant phase!

Uncle Chris and Cora
Nani and Cora

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Minnesota Bound 2011 Part One

Last week our little family made the trek from Chicago to Minnesota for the last time. We were there for ten days, spending half the time with my family and half with Sean's.

We started out staying with my brother. Both my parents drove from their home to stay with him as well, so we didn't have to make our long drive longer by having to go to them.

We ate scrumptious food and stayed near home, except for a few visits to see friends.
Grandad and Cora
Uncle Korry and Cora (say that 10 times fast)
first family photo on my side with our little addition
Grandad is making faces with Cora 
playing with Momma
Umm... three generations of girls
Take two... that's better
Gramma and Cora
We arrived on a Saturday and after a couple days of relaxing with my family, we ventured out to see our friends Chet and Jenni and their three girls. Little girls and babies...what a combination! Everyone got to "hold" Cora.
MacKenzie and baby Cora

Madison, Lillie and Cora

Lillie wanted to hold Cora too, so Mommy helped

On Tuesday I was able to steal away to have lunch with my friend Laurissa, and Sean had dinner with his long-time friend Randy while Korry and I watched Toy Story 3 and had the most delicious salad ever. My brother is a fabulous cook!
Laurissa's daughter Taitum and baby Cora