Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm Baaaa-ak

No, seriously...

New look... new purpose...

My daughter Cora is eight weeks old, and she is just changing so much every day. I can't even believe how fast babies develop. I feel like I am not keeping track of this magical time at all in any formalized way that I will be able to look back on. Facebook definitely does not count. I bought one of those little journals, and wrote down all of her baby shower gifts and a few other random things, but I just don't like actually writing on paper in sentence form (i.e. this is what happened today, blah, blah, blah). I haven't written in the journal since she was born. It's faster and more fun to type. Paper is for lists.

So here I am again. I want to remember this. I want to communicate the little every day things with friends and family who do not live near us without having to call or email everyone individually and then forgetting things anyway. I want Cora to be able to go back and read stories about herself.

Basically my blog is now going to become "baby central"... online. So if that is boring, feel free to click away. As long as I have the Grammas and Auntie Erin reading it will be worth it. ;)

Exhibit A...