Saturday, July 5, 2008

Back in Minnesota

Last weekend (June 27th-29th) Sean and I hopped in our car and embarked on the seven hour trek back to Minnesota. Sean's cousin, Laura, had a graduation party and many of his relatives from his mom's side of the family were going to be there. We had not been able to spend any time with them prior to moving to Chicago, so he really wanted to go. We arrived at Sean's parents' house at 12:30 am on Friday night, went to the graduation party (another 2 hours of driving) from 1 pm to around 7 pm on Saturday, stayed at my parents' house on Saturday night, and drove home on Sunday afternoon. It was a whirlwind of visiting, but we are really glad we were able to make it back to see everyone. 

Sean's cousin lives on a farm, so here are some pictures of our adventures while we were there. My brother-in-law Jamie brought his girls who were very excited to visit the cows and play with Brigita. Sean's mom is one of ten children who are not able to get together all in one place very often, so the final picture is of the whole crew and their spouses. 

We had pancakes with my parents and brother on Sunday prior to heading back home and were also able to make a dinner stop at our new "traditional" place in Rockford before arriving back in Chicago. Needless to say, we crashed at the end of the day on Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. So bummed I couldn't be there! Is Varsana giving the camera the peace sign?
