Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snowsuits and Smiles

Cora got a hilarious pink snowsuit from a couple of my friends here in Chicago. She hasn't fit into it until now. Now it fits perfectly! It's so puffy that you don't even have to support her head at all, and her arms don't go down. She wasn't the biggest fan of being so constricted, but she got better after she was in it for a little while. We went outside in the back yard to try it out. 

And I finally got some smiles on camera and video (I had to stick an "o" face one in there as well since that is one of my favorite faces of hers).


Amy said...

Love her smiles and the O face! Too cute! I am jealous. I cannot seem to catch Brinlee on camera smiling. She's a tough one to crack.

ExploreColorado said...

Aww, I love to put my girls in animal suits. Cute!!